Uninstall Tool has flexible multi-column program list, where you can
Sort items by simply clicking on a column. You can specify initial startup sorting criteria in Preferences.
Hide/show columns. This can be done by performing a Right Click on the list header:
or you can simply perform a Right Click on any column header.
Uninstall Tool displays programs updates as sub-items. Parent items can be expanded/collapsed with mouse or using Left/Right keyboard keys.
Initial display of sub-items can be configured in Preferences. 'Initially collapsed' is recommended option, but users are able to set 'Initially expanded' to display all updates initially. Users who get used to Uninstall Tool versions prior to 3.3 can choose 'Always expanded' option which also disables expand/collapse functionality.
When using search filter collapsed items are expanded automatically if one or more sub-items matches the filter.
This topic is a part of Uninstall Tool support articles. See more pages:
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