Uninstall Tool Translation

Recommended way to translate the app is creating a pull request to its GitHub repository. Otherwise you can use the traditional approach below.

You will need a text editor that supports editing UTF-8 formatted XML files (you can use free Brackets app).

Alternatively, you can browse the languages folder in the app folder.
  • To create a new translation - browse the languages folder and take the 'English.xml' file as an example. Rename your xml file to the English name of your native language (e.g. Spanish.xml, Chinese.xml).
    To update an existing translation - browse the languages folder and find your language, e.g. Spanish.xml
  • Translate all English strings into your language. Make sure that the file is correctly opened by the Internet Explorer browser.
  • Send it to us and get free license for Uninstall Tool.

Important Notes

  • Always leave %s or %d in the string, it's a replacement pattern required by the program. For example, the string "Program %s uninstalled" will be expanded to "Program Firefox uninstalled" when Firefox is uninstalled. Be careful when escaping HTML characters.
  • Do not edit LangID of an existent language file. This is done by us using a target="blank" href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/goglobal/bb964664.aspx">Microsoft languages table.
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